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Upcoming Events
Unfortunately, due to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, Mass JCL Convention has been postponed. We will update you on any upcoming local events.
Welcome to Maynard Public Schools Latin Club!
Salve! The Maynard Public Schools Latin Club is part of the Massachusetts Junior Classical League (MassJCL) which is a group devoted to giving students an understanding of the classics. Keep in mind this site is a work in progress, so it may go down and be changed.
Latest News
Classics day was really something, and in a good way.
On December fifth, all of Massachusetts Junior Classical League gathered in Boston University and did workshops and skits. Skits had to fall under the topic of the Roman calendar, so skits ranged from a very meta series of events in one skit to a description of the Roman holidays in another.
Postestas Parvulorum!
-Maynard JCL Board
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