On Friday, March 1st, the Maynard JCL Chapter
hosted a movie night at our local movie theater,
Fine Arts. The movie, of course, was Disney’s
Hercules. We thought we might get a few kids from
outside the chapter, but our members went the
distance to spread the word, and we were
astonished to get ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-
FIVE people, including our members. People
flooded the lobby for a chance to see our movie,
and we got the chance to interact with people in
our community who had never heard of our club. It
was a great way to raise money and raise
awareness. Everyone loved the show, despite the
mythological inaccuracies, and we raised a
staggering 904 dollars. It was a fantastic night that
was attended by families, friends, and Disney
lovers alike. We hope to do it again next year!