Classics day for Maynard JCL
was a huge success. This year we
had lots of new members and
Classics Day was for many, their
first ever JCL event. Although
Maynard did not place with our skit
this year, we had lots of fun
creating and working on it. Ours
was a skit about Julius Ceasar
returning from the dead to get his
revenge on Brutus and the other
senators who killed him, and it all
happened at a party Brutus was
throwing to celebrate Julius’s
death! Everyone always enjoys
watching the skits from other
schools, and every winning skit
truly deserved it! The people in our
chapter learned many new things
during workshops, and some of
our club members even
participated in recreating Classical
sacrifices! It was a great time. Overall, for Maynard, Classics Day
went very well and made many of
our new people want to keep
coming back to JCL.